Monday, September 1, 2025
Chairperson: Paul Puckrin 905-985-0962
Assistant: Karen Puckrin (Entertainment Shelter)
Thank you to our Sponsors- Brian Callery, Guy Latreille (RE/MAX) & Kelly Manns (Classy Potties To Go)
Rule and regulations
• Contestants are required to play three tunes of their choice in the following order: a waltz, a jig and a reel.
• Each contestant is allowed four minutes to complete these three tunes.
• Each contestant shall have only one accompanist. The accompanist may chord the tune or play the melody.
• A tuned piano is provided.
• An accompanist is provided for those contestants who do not wish to provide their own.
• In the event of circumstances beyond the contestant’s control, for example, a broken string, the contestant is allowed to replay.
• Judging is based on time, tone technique and overall accuracy.
• The decisions of the judges are final.
• Each contestant is eligible to enter one class.
• There is no entry fee.
• Contestants must pay admission to the Fair.
Prizes: (Section 1-5)
- 12 Years and under
Prizes: 1st $50, 2nd $40, 3rd $30, 4th $20, All others $8 - 13 to 18 years
Prizes: 1st $65, 2nd $50, 3rd $40, 4th $30, All others $8 - 19 to 59 years
Prizes: 1st $75, 2nd $60, 3rd $50, All others $8 - 60 Years and over
Prizes: 1st $75, 2nd $60, 3rd $50, All others $8 - Open
Prizes: 1st $100, 2nd $75, 3rd $65, All others $8 - Youngest contestant
Prize: $25 Sponsored - Oldest contestant
Prize: $25 Sponsored