- All exhibitors must be 18 years of age and older.
- Each exhibitor will receive an “Admit One” pass with their entry. Ticket to be surrendered at the gate upon admission to the grounds. A card with your exhibitor number will be issued.
- Entry forms must be delivered to the secretary’s office to obtain an exhibitor’s number prior to dropping off exhibits. Extra entry forms and exhibit tags will be available.
- All exhibits are to be tagged and properly packaged for exhibit.
- Exhibits are to be delivered to the tent on Friday, August 30th from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, August 31st from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 a.m.
- Entry tags must be securely attached to the containers.
- Decisions made by the Judge(s) will be based upon the guidelines suggested in the Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards Horticulture and Floral Design 2019 (OJES) in conjunction with any criteria included in the Show Schedule specific to the Section.
- Criteria in the Show Schedule takes precedence; if there is ambiguity, criteria will defer to OJES and/or the Chairperson.
- Decision(s) of the Judge(s) is/are final.
- Name new or unusual flowers/plants if possible (NIP).
- Flowers and plants should be free of insects and disease.
- Shall be clean.
- Glass is preferred to avoid spillage.
- The fair is NOT responsible for broken containers.
Plants & flowers:
- Must be grown by the exhibitor for at least 3 months prior to showing.
- Plant material for floral design sections may be purchased unless otherwise stated.
- For sections requesting more than one specimen, uniformity of size, form, colour & stage of development is important in the judging process.
- Collections/Displays & other Sections where different types of plant material is requested may be exempt (at the discretion of the Judge(s)).
- Definition: Accessories are inorganic (were never living) objects used to enhance an exhibit; the display should be able to stand on its own without the accessories.
- Permitted in Display & Floral Design Sections unless otherwise specified.
Specimens floating in water:
- Container should be only slightly larger than the bloom.
- Specimen cannot touch the sides and the bottom of the container; remove as much stem as possible.
- Avoid water droplets on the specimen (transport separately).
- Grooming may affect the placement.
- Remove spent blooms, ragged leaves, water stains, critters, dust & other “foreign” & unsightly material.
- Plant/foliage polish is NOT permitted; use warm water for grooming.
- All measurements (specimens & floral design) include the container.
- Measurements, where applicable, are taken from the show tabletop.
- Stem length is measured from the surface of the tabletop to the upper tip of the specimen or along the progressive length to the end of the stem/bloom for curved stems.
- Bloom size is determined from the largest diameter, in any direction, petal/sepal tip to tip.
- Pot sizes are measured across the diameter from top inside edge to top inside edge.
- Floral Design exhibits are measured in every direction, height, width, & diagonal from the tabletop
& include the container(s)/tray & any accessories.
Staging/placing exhibits:
- Show Chair and assistants reserve the right to determine the final staging/placement of exhibits.
- Some exhibits may be moved due to space considerations and/or to allow all exhibits fair advantage. This includes Floral Design entries. Every effort will be made to ensure the integrity of each entry.
- Final decisions on placement of exhibits rests with the Show Chair.
Tips For Exhibitors:
- Specimens should stand erect.
- Do not use wide mouthed containers.
- Flowers show best in a clear container.
- Flowers should be free of disease, insect damage and insects.
- Flowers should have good colour, be fresh, not wilted, uniform in size with strong, straight stems.
- Make sure that all exhibits have water.
Annual: A herbaceous plant which normally completes its cycle of seed in one year. To include tender perennials such as pansies & snapdragons, that are plants called “Annuals” grown as such in this region.
Biennial: A herbaceous plant which requires two growing seasons to complete its normal growth e.g. from seed to seed.
Perennial: A herbaceous plant that lives more than two years. The stem dies to the ground each fall. For example, phlox, delphiniums, peonies, etc.
Spike: An upright stem carrying several flowers, usually with short dedicels, such as gladiolus and snapdragon.
Stem Or Stalk: A plant structure carrying one or more flowers and buds. It may be branched e.g. sweet peas, primulas and irises.
Spray: A branch of plant with a number of flowers, e.g. chrysanthemum, climbing and floribunda roses, petunias, etc. All exhibits should have a good stem length.
Bloom: Individual flower, one to a stem, do not leave buds showing
Collection: Minimum of three different varieties
Display: May be one or more varieties
Floating: May NOT touch sides of a clear container
Port Perry Agricultural Society is grateful for the support of TBA
Prizes: 1st $6. 2nd $5. 3rd $4. 4th $3.
- Amaranthus – any colour, 1 stem
- Aster, any variety, 1 stem
- Begonia – tuberous – 1 bloom with foliage floating in a dish
- Calendula – 3 blooms
- Celosia – plume-type, any colour, 1 stem
- Chrysanthemum, any colour, 1 spray
- Coleus – any variety, 1 stem (remove any bloom)
- Cosmos – any colour, 1 spray (spray is a terminal stem showing all phases of bloom)
- Dahlia – ball or pompom-type, under 4” (10cm), same colour, 3 blooms
- Dahlia – ball or pompom-type, 4” (10cm), & over, any colour, 1 bloom
- Dahlia – any other variety under 4” (10cm), same colour, 3 blooms
- Dahlia – any other variety, 4” (10cm), & over, 1 bloom
- Echinacea – Purple Cone Flower – 3 stems
- Echinacea – Any other variety
- Grass, ornamental, max stem length 30” (76cm), 3 stems named if possible
- Echinacea, any colour, 3 stems, named if possible
- Gladiolus – red hued, 1 spike
- Gladiolus – cream, white or yellow hued, mainly one colour, 1 spike
- Gladiolus – pink or salmon hued, mainly 1 colour, 1 spike
- Gladiolus – any other colour, 1 spike
- Gladiolus – bi/tone or bi/colour, 1 spike
- Hosta leaf, solid green, 1 stem
- Hosta leaf, any other single colour, 1 stem
- Hosta leaf, white/yellow/or gold margin, 1 stem
- Hosta leaf, green or blue margin, 1 stem
- Hydrangea, Annabelle-type, any colour, max stem length 24” (61cm), 1 stem
- Hydrangea, any other type, max stem length 24” (61cm), 1 stem, named if possible
- Marigold – ball or pompom-type, same colour, variety, under 3” (7.5cm), 3 blooms
- Marigold – ball or pompom-type, 3” (7.5cm), and over, 1 bloom
- Marigold – any other variety under 3” (7.5cm) same colour/variety, 3 blooms
- Petunia – single, any colour, 3 sprays
- Petunia – double, any colour, 3 sprays
- Phlox, white, 1 stem
- Phlox, any other colour, 1 stem
- Rose – hybrid tea, 1 bloom
- Rose – miniature, 1 bloom or spray
- Rose – any other variety, 1 bloom or spray
- Rose – floribunda, 1 spray Spray consists of 2 blooms or more
- Rudbeckia – Gloriosa Daisy – 1 stem
- Salvia – any variety, same colour, 3 stems
- Snapdragons – 3 spikes
- Sunflower – ornamental, single head, max length 18” (46cm), 1 stem
- Zinnia – any variety, under 2” (5cm), 3 blooms
- Zinnia – any variety, 2” (5cm) and over, 3 blooms
- Any other bulb, corm, rhizome, must be named, 1 stem or spike
- Any other annual, 3 stems, must be named
- Any other perennial/branch/shrub/vine-berried/fruited, max stem length 24” (41cm), 1 stem/branch, named if possible
- Any other perennial/branch/shrub/vine – shown for bloom, max stem length 24” (61cm), 1 stem/branch, named if possible
- Cut flower collection – for bloom, annuals and/or perennials, 7 stems, min. 3 varieties, named
- Cut foliage collection – 7 stems, min 3 varieties, max. height 18” (46cm), named
- Dahlia – 5 stems, min. 3 different types/colours
- Gladiolus – 3 spikes, different colours
- Hosta leaves – 5 different varieties, named, if possible, 5 stems
- Sedum spectabile – (ice plant) in bloom, any cultivars, 3 stems
- Mixed blooms & foliage – 7 stems/blooms, min. 5 varieties, accessories permitted, max. height 18”
- African violet – standard, single crown, single/double bloom any colour, max. pot size 6” (15.25cm)
- Container grown plant – grown for foliage, max. pot size 8” (20 cm), 1 plant, named
- Geranium – in bloom, any variety, max. pot size 8” (20cm)
- Fern, any type – pot does not exceed 10”
- Herb, container grown – 1 variety, must be named, growing in container, max. 12” (30.5cm),
(name printed on a paper)
- Herbs, container grown – 2 or more varieties, must be named, growing in container, max. 12”
(30.5cm), (names printed on a paper)
- Herbs, container grown – 5 or more varieties, must be named, growing in container, max. 12”
(30.5cm), (names printed on a paper)
- Any other container grown plant – grown for bloom, max. pot size 10” (22.5cm), 1 plant named
- Hanging basket of Pelargoniums (Geraniums) max. 12.5” (31cm) pot
- Hanging basket of any other outdoor grown garden plant(s) max. 12.5” (31cm) pot
- Hanging basket of any other outdoor grown garden plant(s) over 12.5” (31cm) pot
- Outdoor planter – Maximum 14” pot size
- Outdoor planter – Exceeding 14” pot size
- Succulent/ Cactus Collection – any variety or varieties, max. pot size 9” (22.5cm)
- Succulent – Single – Pot not to exceed 4”
- Succulent – Single – Pot over 4”
- Window Box
- SPECIAL: “Beauty without Bloom”, an outdoor planter containing a minimum 3 different varieties of foliage plants. No flowering plants. MUST use planters provided by the fair, only 10 planters available. To get your planter, please contact the fair secretary to arrange pick up.
Prizes: 1st $20. 2nd $15. 3rd $10. 4th $5.
Rules for design:
- All exhibits must contain fresh plant material unless stated
- Accessories are permitted but should not dominate design.
- No artificial material representing plant-like forms allowed.
- Due to space an arrangement cannot exceed 18” in width
- Materials can be obtained from any source for design (can be purchased).
Prizes: 1st $20. 2nd $17. 3rd $14. 4th $11.
First place winners in these classes will also receive a rosette.
74. “An Apple A Day” – a table arrangement using apples, flowers and foliage
- “A Walk Down the Country Lane” – using dried flowers, wild berries, grains, seed pods, etc.
- “Childish Fun” – an arrangement in a children’s toy
- “Country Harvest” – an arrangement in a basket with flowers, fruits & vegetables
- “Fireside Glow” – a mantle arrangement
- “Frost On the Pumpkin” – an arrangement in a pumpkin (pumpkin may be fresh or artificial)
- “Natural Joy” – foliage only arrangement
- “Reach For the Stars” – a vertical arrangement
- “Teatime” – an arrangement in a teapot – using fresh flowers
- “The Strangest Things” – an arrangement in an unusual container
- “Whispering Winds” – an arrangement using branches, vines and flowers
- “You light up my Life”-A centrepiece arrangement. You must use the container and lights available from the fair secretary. (There are only 10 available.) The container may be decorated to suit your arrangement. *** Please note that the battery pack must be accessible.
- Best Annual in Show: Gift certificate generously donated by Otter Greenhouses
- Best Perennial in Show: Gift certificate generously donated by Greenbank Garden Centre
- Best Outdoor Container: Gift certificate generously donated by Century Home & Garden Greenhouses
- Best Hanging Basket: Gift certificate generously donated by Otter Greenhouses
- Best Dahlia in Show: Gift certificate generously donated by Century Home & Garden Greenhouses
- Best Gladiolus in Show: $15. Generously donated by Pine Ridge Garden Club
- Best Design in Show: $25. Generously donated by Pine Ridge Garden Club
Winners in the Honour Roll will each receive a rosette.