General Rules and Regulations
Entry Fee: A $10 Exhibitor Membership must accompany entries for adult classes. This membership entitles you to vote at the annual meeting to be held in January, 2026.
To enter in person bring your exhibits. There are forms and tags to fill out at The Port Perry Agricultural Society fair office. The office will be open Friday, August 29th from 4-7 p.m., Saturday, August 30th from 8:30-10 a.m. Submissions will not be received after 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 30, 2025.
Deadline: Entry forms received by August 16, 2025 will have tags mailed. To enter after August 16, 2025 please contact the Secretary and special arrangements can be made to receive your tags.
1. In all sections, the competition is open to exhibitors from all parts of the world except where indicated in the prize list.
2. Any person who knowingly violates the regulations of the Port Perry Agricultural Society, or who seeks to obtain a premium by false pretences or by improper interference with the judges, shall forfeit any prize money that may be awarded.
3. The Agricultural Society will not be responsible for any exhibits not picked up by 6:30 p.m. on the Monday of Labour Day Weekend.
4. Exhibitors may send a list of their winnings to the Secretary immediately after the fair (not compulsory).
5. The Port Perry Agricultural Society reserves the right to interpret its own rules and regulations. Should any dispute or question arise not provided for in the rules and regulations, the decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
6. Exhibitors must provide delivery for articles upon the show grounds and all expenses for transporting to and from the show grounds connected there with.
7. While the Directors will takes every possible precaution under the circumstances to ensure the safety of the articles sent for exhibition, they wish it to be distinctly understood that the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them. Should any article be accidentally lost, injured or stolen, the Directors will give all the assistance in their power toward the recovery of the same but, will not make any payment for the value thereof.
8. The Directors reserve the right to pay the prize money on a percentage basis if, through lack of funds, they deem it necessary.
9. No prize money will be paid on animals or articles of inferior merit, even though there may be no competition.
NOTE: Stock and all articles must be entered in the name of the bona fide owner. Unless this rule is observed, no premium will be awarded and, if awarded, will be withheld.
Rules and regulations
Exhibitors should read the ‘General’ and ‘Homecraft’ Rules and Regulations.
Each exhibitor will receive an exhibitor card (this will show your exhibitor number), tags and one admit pass.
All exhibits are to be tagged and properly packaged for presentation. Exhibits must be delivered to the appropriate building, listed below, on Friday of Labour Day Weekend, between 4 pm to 7 pm and on Saturday, between 8:30 am to 10 am. DOORS WILL CLOSE FOR JUDGING AT 10 AM SHARP. Exhibitors must use this book when completing their Entry Forms and tags.
No person shall be allowed to enter for exhibition more than one item in any one section of a class.
Entries must be new articles, not exhibited in the previous years at the Port Perry Fair, with the exception of quilts (Quilts may be shown for two years.)
No articles may be removed prior to 5:30 pm on the Monday of Labour Day Weekend.
Judges reserve the right to withhold awarding prize money due to inferior quality of competition or lack of other competition. Directors are authorized to discard all soiled, defaced or old work.
All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor.
Exhibitors are responsible for reading the rules pertaining to the specific section entered, as well as the Rules and Regulations outlined in the front of the Prize List and on the Entry Form.
Homecraft Division articles, except for Flowers, must be delivered to the Christie Building. All Flower exhibits, all Vegetables, Grains and seeds must be delivered to the Horticulture tent. Junior Fair exhibits to be delivered to the Junior Fair tent, with the exception of baked goods, which are to be delivered to the Christie Building.
Jr. Fair Rules & Regulations
- Open to all Elementary School children. No entry fee at all this year. Pre-registration is recommended. Grades listed refer to the grade the child completed in June 2025, not the grade they will be entering in September 2025.
• High School students are only eligible to enter Class 34.
• Send completed Entry Form to the Secretary, Box 401, Port Perry, ON, L9L 1A4. Entry tags will be mailed upon receipt of entry form if received by August 16. After August 16, arrangements can be made to pick up tags.
• One entry per person, per class section. Entries must be new work made since the last fair.
• Entries will be accepted on the Friday of Labour Day Weekend from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., and Saturday of Labour Day Weekend, from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., at the Junior Fair tent, with the exception of all baking entries, which must be submitted to the Christie building, including the ugliest cupcakes. All entries must be left until 5:30 p.m. on Monday of Labour Day Weekend. The Port Perry Agricultural Society will not be responsible for any exhibits not picked up by 6 p.m.
• All entries are left at the owner’s risk but will be protected as much as possible by Fair management.
• Any person found guilty of wilfully breaking the rules of the Fair, shall not receive a prize and will be barred from exhibiting for one year.
• Fourth prize is NOT awarded on specials.
• Original poems, stories and essays will be judged using the following criteria: 1) Content 2) Grammar and spelling 3) Penmanship – worth 5 points each
Note to parents:
The exhibitor must do all work. Parents are urged to encourage their children but to allow them to complete the work themselves.
Helpful Hints to Exhibitors
• Vegetables and flowers are judged on quality and uniformity.
• Do not peel or wash Onions, just remove rough outer skin.
• Leave 1.2 cm tops on carrots, beets and onions
• Leave calyx attached on Tomatoes
• Leave stem attached on Pumpkins and Squash
• Leave 1.2 cm stems on Peppers
• 1/3 of husk and silk removed on Corn, kernels well filled.
• Leave foliage and a reasonable length of stem on all flower specimens.
• When the list indicates number of blooms, that also includes buds showing colour.
• The buds may be left in a spray.
• Flowers and vegetables should be in good condition and free of insects.
• Houseplants must be grown by exhibitor (minimum of 3 months)
• A Gladiolus spike should be measured approximately 50 cm from bottom Floret to the tip of the stem. A Gladiolus is best displayed in a narrow container.