Countdown to
opening day

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Junior Fair – Grades 5&6 – Class 32

Prizes: (Sections 1-5)

  1. Illustrate your name on a ½ sheet of Bristol board using things that fit your style/personality as the letters.

  2. Draw and colour yourself as a Lego Minifig on an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper.

  3. Write a limerick or short poem about going to the fair on an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper.

  4. Sculpt a bird from clay and decorate using feathers and any other medium.

  5. Make and decorate a “Pocket Purse” out of an old pair of jeans/pants (with parents’ permission) and any other mediums. Include a closure button.

Special: Highest Points. $10. Sponsored by: