Chairperson: Margaret Taylor-Sevier 905-852-5339
- All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor, new work and CLEAN.
- Exhibitors should read both the “Homecraft” rules and the “General” rules.
- REMINDER: Exhibitors may only enter ONE article in any one section of a class.
- In the case of quilts, identify the pattern and name the designer, if known.
- Quilts may be shown for two years. In all other cases, it should be new work.
Quilts will be judged on:
25% General appearance and design
20% Colours and materials used
55% Workmanship (Quilting 30%, borders 10%, binding and corners 15%)
Knitting and crochet will be judged on:
25% General appearance
25% Design and materials
50% Workmanship
Sewing will be judged on:
25% Design, colour and materials
40% Workmanship judged from the OUTSIDE of the article
15% Workmanship judged from the INSIDE of the article
Note regarding the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) Quilt Competitions: The Port Perry Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion are judged from all first and second prize eligible quilts. However, to be considered for the OAAS hand quilting or machine quilting competition, the entry must meet the minimum 324” perimeter requirement.
- The exhibitor of the Grand Champion Quilt at the Port Perry Fairis eligible to enter the quilt in the District 4 competition.
- The winner of the District competition will represent District 4 in the Provincial competition, which is held at the OAAS Annual Convention in February.
- Details are available at https://ontarioagsocieties.com/district-and-provincial-competition-rules/
Hand quilting
Articles must be made and quilted by the exhibitor. Please provide the name of the pattern, if known.
Fabric samples MUST be attached or article will be disqualified.
Prizes: (Sections 1 – 6) 1st $15 2nd $10 3rd $8
- Quilt, may be whole cloth or pieced, appliquéd, or embroidered, or any other combination hand quilted, larger than 50”X60”
- Quilt made by two or more people, named, hand quilted
- Crib quilt, panel, hand quilted, approximately 36”X45” (91 X 114 cm)
- Crib quilt, pieced, hand quilted, approximately 36”X45” (91 X 114 cm)
- My first quilt, hand quilted.
- Any other hand quilted item not listed above
- Special: Port Perry Fair Champion Hand Quilted Quilt
PRIZE MONEY: $100 Sponsored by TBA
- Special: Port Perry Fair Reserve Champion Hand Quilted Quilt
PRIZE MONEY: $100 Sponsored by TBA
Machine quilting
Entries must be solely made and machine quilted by the exhibitor, unless specified in the list below (#12 and 13). Please provide the name of the pattern, if known.
Quilt must have visible machine quilting.
Fabric samples MUST be attached or article will be disqualified.
Prizes: (Sections 9 – 13) 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $8
(Sections 14 – 22) 1st $6, 2nd $4, 3rd $3, 4th $2
- Quilt, pieced, machine quilted
- Quilt, may be whole cloth or pieced, appliquéd, embroidered, or any other combination, machine quilted.
- “Landscape” “art” or “modern” quilt, machine quilted
- Quilt, pieced, constructed by exhibitor and machine quilted by another person (please provide quilter’s name) Will be judged on top and binding only
- Quilt, appliquéd, embroidered, or both, constructed by exhibitor and machine quilted by another person (please provide quilter’s name) Will be judged on top and binding only
- Crib quilt pieced, machine quilted
- Crib quilt, panel, machine quilted
- Quilt, any size, machine quilted
- Memory quilt- using t-shirts, ties, other re-purposed clothing or photo transfers
- Quilt top, not quilted (be sure to enter your finished quilt next year!)
- Two different quilt blocks, mounted, named, not quilted
- Machine quilted wall hanging or miniature quilt, maximum size 36”X40” (91 X 101 cm), ready to hang
- Table or bed runner or topper
- Any other quilted item, not listed above (e.g. tote, cushion, article of clothing, etc.)
- Special: Port Perry Fair Champion Machine Quilted Quilt
PRIZE MONEY: $100 Sponsored by TBA
- Special: Port Perry Fair Reserve Champion Machine Quilted Quilt
PRIZE MONEY: $100 Sponsored by TBA
Articles must be made by the exhibitor.
All articles must be clean with yarn samples attached or article will be disqualified.
Prizes: (Section 25) 1st $8, 2nd $6, 3rd $4, 4th $2
(Sections 26 – 35) 1st $6, 2nd $4, 3rd $3, 4th $2
- Afghan, crocheted, min. 45 “x 54” (114 X 137 cm)
- Crocheted lap cover, baby afghan or carriage cover
- Crocheted shawl
- Crocheted slippers, any size
- Crocheted “pet,” under 6″ (15 cm)
- Set of 4 crocheted coasters
- Pair of crocheted dish cloths
- Crocheted baby sweater Note: Health Canada Product Safety Bureau recommends children’s clothing have alternative closures instead of drawstrings, ribbons or ties at head and neck to prevent strangulation hazard.
- Crocheted adult sweater
- Any other crocheted article, not listed above
- Crocheted tote bag or shoulder bag
- Special: Exhibitor with the most points in sections 25-35: Gift Certificate from Never Enough Wool Sponsored byTBA
Articles must be made by the exhibitor.
All articles must be clean with yarn samples attached or article will be disqualified.
Prizes: (Section 37) 1st $8, 2nd $6, 3rd $4, 4th $2
(Sections 38 – 50) 1st $6, 2nd $4, 3rd $3, 4th $2
- Afghan, knitted, minimum 45”x54” (114 X 137 cm)
- Knitted lap cover, baby afghan or carriage cover
- Knitted baby sweater Note: Health Canada Product Safety Bureau recommends children’s clothing have alternative closures instead of drawstrings, ribbons or ties at head and neck to prevent strangulation hazard.
- Knitted socks, any size
- Knitted mittens, any size
- Knitted vest or sleeveless top
- Knitted gloves
- Knitted child’s cardigan, light weight
- Knitted child’s pull-over, heavy weight
- Knitted adult head gear
- Knitted child’s hat and mitten set
- Knitted adult sweater, cardigan or pull-over
- Knitted shawl
- Any other knitted article, not listed above
- Special: Exhibitor with the most points in sections 37 – 50: Gift Certificate from Never Enough Wool Sponsored by TBA
Articles must be made by the exhibitor.
All articles must be clean with fabric samples attached or article will be disqualified.
Sections 66-78 Sponsored by Homestead Furniture and Appliances
Prizes: 1st $6 2nd $4 3rd $3 4th $2
- Lady’s dressing gown or swimsuit cover-up
- Any article of clothing with buttons and buttonholes
- Any article of clothing with set-in sleeves
- Any article of clothing with invisible zipper
- Article of evening wear
- Article of athletic wear
- Child’s dress
- Article of children’s clothing, excluding a dress
- Fidget quilt- embellished with zippers, ribbons, lace, buttons or other tactile objects; placemat to lap sized
- Apron of any size, holiday themed (any holiday)
- Tote bag or purse
- Table runner
- Any article of sewing, not listed above
- Special: Exhibitor with the most points in sections 52 – 64: Gift Card from Brock’s Sponsored by TBA