Countdown to
opening day

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Junior Fair – Grades 3&4 – Class 31


Prizes: (Sections 1-5)

  1. Paint a watercolour landscape. No bigger than 12 inches x 12 inches.
  2. Create a handwritten/cursive bug using your name (and then mirror it) on a ½ sheet of Bristol board. Decorate using any medium.
  3. Create a puzzle by painting a picture of your favourite “things to do” on cardstock or ½ sheet of Bristol board, and cutting out puzzle pieces.
  4. Make a pom-pom baby bird/chick out of yarn. Use any medium for the eyes and beak.
  5. Create/draw a self portrait on a ½ sheet of Bristol board. Include 6 of your favourite things/personal items.

Special: Highest Points. $10. Sponsored by: